Archived Review Grades this year...

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R u a tl?? I got an outstanding and only got 3 percent.
It basically depends on how much your store can budget out for raises (essentially how my TL explained it). So if sales have been bad at your store, the raise for an outstanding at your store might be lower than what the same grade might get at another store.
Wait. I lied. They acknowledged the bump but not verbally. They gave us an information slip at the end of the reviews that mentions it... And I hadn't read it.
I got an EX, it was only $.35 and I'm nowhere near capped. 15 years ago, I got $.50 for an EX.
It basically depends on how much your store can budget out for raises (essentially how my TL explained it). So if sales have been bad at your store, the raise for an outstanding at your store might be lower than what the same grade might get at another store.
Sounds like a case of this team member deserves an O but etl/corporate is saying no. So instead of lying the TL is giving them the score they deserve but can do nothing about the raise itself.
Got an EX & a .23 raise.
Gotta love being capped....

I am capped too, I doubt I will get over an "E" for my review this year, despite the new responsibilities I have taken on. I would love even just a token increase, just because I don't get a raise doesn't mean that my cost of living won't increase.
I am capped too, I doubt I will get over an "E" for my review this year, despite the new responsibilities I have taken on. I would love even just a token increase, just because I don't get a raise doesn't mean that my cost of living won't increase.

This really goes to show that one shouldn't do much in the way of cross training as Target will not reward you (not even minimally). If I can make the same amount as someone who is cross trained, there is no financial incentive for me to learn a new skill. Since I am not looking to move up the corporate ladder or get more hours, and can't make any extra $$$, I will remain "non-global". In the meantime, I do work hard at my cashier job by making sure my guests have a fast, fun and friendly check out process and I nail a few redcards on each shift. My store is pretty generous in rewarding us for redcards, esp if you get multiples in the same shift.
Still waiting on my review... how do they present the reviews by the way? Are they going to pull you into their office and talk to you individually, or will you just get a piece of paper?
I was pulled into the HR office. Door was shut & locked. Review consisted of my new TL (not even the one who wrote the review or who I spend the majority of my time with) reading the comments off the piece of paper, then telling me my raise. Another TL from Softlines sat in on my review.

It lasted less than 5 minutes and was a waste of my time.
Yeh, my TL & I went to an office; he asked if I wanted the door closed & I said, nah.
He said "I'll just let you read it. You & I both know that I can't give you what you REALLY deserve."
I glanced thru, snickered at some of the statements before signing.
"M'kay, we done?"
Back to work.
Biggest waste of time & emotions!!!!
I'm on my 5th team lead since last review. None of them work at my store anymore so the one who wrote it is gone. My new TL is never even worked a shift w/ me. The new review sheets don't have any comments. I was pissed b/c I'm like nobody can explain why things were marked a. Retain way. Okay. When I asked "what if I wanted to improve? How can I if I don't know why" she smiles and said well you got a good overall review. Now going forward.
What happens if I refuse to sign? Will I still get the raise?
I refused sign. It was the point of having 5 team leads this yr. none of the 4 are in our store, including the one who wrote it. New form doesn't have spot where they comment like your good at this but going forward blah blac. So basically they just pick random & don't have to explain.
I just stated, what if I don't want to sign today. She wished away sheet about my raise & said ok they have be in by April 17th left room went Hr office shut door. Wtf. Then the HR was to busy answer my questions so I have no idea what's going on
Yeh, my TL & I went to an office; he asked if I wanted the door closed & I said, nah.
He said "I'll just let you read it. You & I both know that I can't give you what you REALLY deserve."
I glanced thru, snickered at some of the statements before signing.
"M'kay, we done?"
Back to work.
Hey @redeye58, same thing happened on my review last year. I am still waiting for my review this year.
I got a $1.33 raise, now over $10/hour it was around a 15% raise for everything at the Does job/goes over grade, with a ex in sales category. Also our electronics are $.75 over base, is that like that in other stores?
My review was about a half hour, because there is a lot of political crap going down and my GSTL basically had to talk me off a ledge. We also went over goals and focuses for the new year.

Mine was less than five minutes. GSTL was not present, was delivered by ETL-GE/SF.
So if you were under 9, are you given a straight bump to $9 or the raise plus a bump?

How does this not give me more incentive to work elsewhere if the starting rates are so close to what I'm making after 3 years? Have to believe that was the point.
I think I got a raise plus bump. I assume so anyway, raise was $0.80
Mine was like 10 minutes. It was like a sheet that someone typed up in word with 3 or 4 paragraphs first one about how I've improved since last year and what I need to work on then there was some reminders about the latest updates to cashiering and fitting room. Then the sheet I had to sign. Then a conversation about what things I think can be improved for me/the team. I was vague because the tl giving me my review is the sl team's #1 problem. Then she gave me a copy of the merit statement and a little slip explaining that there was an increase to the base.
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