Archived Review Grades this year...

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I wonder if deli peeps will see any special bump.
It sounds like we'll be seeing a bump of sorts. At my store, Deli is $1 above base pay, which means I/we should be bumped up to $10/hr and then get this year's merit raise on top of that.
I have to admit, I'm miffed that I won't be keeping my 6 years of merit raises (from what the base pay thread says) but I'll take what I can get right now. If I ever transfer to another position within the store, I'll definitely argue that I should get more pay based on my experience. I'll definitely let everyone here know how that goes, if I get to it.
We are already over $10 for base pay. So that may make that bump not happen for us. I'm surprised that other locations don't get more than 10 to start in the deli. It is an extremely busy department, with what I feel requires more responsibility.
We are already over $10 for base pay. So that may make that bump not happen for us. I'm surprised that other locations don't get more than 10 to start in the deli. It is an extremely busy department, with what I feel requires more responsibility.
Yeah, if your store's N03 pay is already $9+, there probably will be no adjustments for any pay grades.
I got IE since I haven't been there for a year and still technically in a learning phase. My TL said she rated me Effective and disagreed with my rating. Though I'm not sure what else I have to learn as a Sales Floor TM.

Raise was 9 cents + the $1 bump.
It's not good when you don't get a raise at all but cost of living goes up.

And cap really depends on the position AND market your in. Cap for a cashier could be $13.20/hr in one place but $10.85 in another place.
Got an EX & a .23 raise.
Gotta love being capped....

At least you got an EX ... 😉 Lots of capped folks at my first store got shafted with E's (doesn't bypass cap last I heard) even though they were great workers.
I have no doubt that next year they'll bump me down to an E, at which point I won't even get a raise.
Yeh, I'm over ten but I've also put in 12+ yrs & am global out the yin-yang.
Any time an area has a shortage of TMs, that's the area I add to my repertoire. Needs of the store & all that.
Every year I work at becoming proficient in 1-2 new areas.
Everyone in the front end has gotten a 50 cent raise after their review. My review is coming next week.
Everyone in the front end has gotten a 50 cent raise after their review.

Not likely. Each review is based on how each person is scored and what they're currently making prior to the review, as well as how long they've been with the company (<1 year gets prorated). For every cashier to be getting 50 cents, minus the increase to $9, they would all need to get at least an EX. I am a GSA making more than cashiers, got an E and my raise was only 29 cents.

Also there's no way you know what all your co-workers are getting. That info is confidential.
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Not likely. Each review is based on how each person is scored and what they're currently making prior to the review, as well as how long they've been with the company (<1 year gets prorated). For every cashier to be getting 50 cents, minus the increase to $9, they would all need to get at least an EX. I am a GSA making more than cashiers, got an E and my raise was only 29 cents.

Also there's no way you know what all your co-workers are getting. That info is confidential.
Not if your fucking a ETL or Sr. TL or HR TM.
Not likely. Each review is based on how each person is scored and what they're currently making prior to the review, as well as how long they've been with the company (<1 year gets prorated). For every cashier to be getting 50 cents, minus the increase to $9, they would all need to get at least an EX. I am a GSA making more than cashiers, got an E and my raise was only 29 cents.

Also there's no way you know what all your co-workers are getting. That info is confidential.
I asked several of them what they got bc I'm still waiting on mine and most turned out to be so similar. We are all doing very well.
Not likely. Each review is based on how each person is scored and what they're currently making prior to the review, as well as how long they've been with the company (<1 year gets prorated). For every cashier to be getting 50 cents, minus the increase to $9, they would all need to get at least an EX. I am a GSA making more than cashiers, got an E and my raise was only 29 cents.

Also there's no way you know what all your co-workers are getting. That info is confidential.

That likely included the bump to $9. Most cashiers at my store probably saw a similar increase with the base pay bump.
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