Archived Review Grades this year...

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No one at our store has gotten them either. Our backroom TL said he only wrote half his reviews and never had time to write the rest ... lol pay increase will show up soon either way so I dont even care
I got an IE and I gave my 2 week notice. I have begged repeatedly to be scheduled no more than 24 hours a week. The people who got E I cannot even begin to understand. I am heartbroken. In my whole working life I have NEVER ONNce gotten a raise lower than exceeds expectations. And that was at a 45k a year job. I have akso never ever worked as hard as I did at Target . I am heartbroken. Before you ask, i left my old job bc of a disability. I cant read this bc i am crying
If anyone tells you you can't discuss wages, that is illegal.
They CAN ask you not to discuss your review, which includes your pay raise. You can freely discuss what you make but not the review itself. That's why they ask to keep it confidential.
I will get an exit interview from the HR EtTL or I will c
Send a certified letter to corporate
Patty.. IE in target is different.

E means meets and sometimes exceeds job expectations. To get an E, you have to do more than expected. It is totally bogus. To get an EX, you basically have to be doing someone else's job for them.. and to get an O.. well.. let's not even discuss the dark things you have to do to get there 😉 That is why they can justify giving you an IE. I wouldnt take it personal.. Sorry Patty 🙁
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@Patty you can't take the review personally.
It's not actually based on your performance.
It's based on random crap that you have no control over like how well the store is doing, the metrics for departments you might not even work in, how many other people are getting raises, etc.
None of it is fair or just but it's not something you can internalize.
Don't let it get to you.

It's their loss.
I'm sorry, too.
Patty, I'm basically in the same boat. After receiving my review I'm putting my application in elsewhere even for something equivalent with a different company while I finish college because I'm done with this place.
🙁 It probably doesn't help that my one TL doesn't like me ( one who gave me my review) I am not saying that has anything to do with it but I sometimes do wonder.......
I'm not happy about mine. Someone who has worked there less than me, received a raise 4 times higher. I've taught this person numerous things, so it's a bit frustrating. I always thought working hard meant more, but in situations like this, it's not.

A lot of team members have been looking for other jobs and planning to leave soon. I can't say that I blame them.
I refused sign. It was the point of having 5 team leads this yr. none of the 4 are in our store, including the one who wrote it. New form doesn't have spot where they comment like your good at this but going forward blah blac. So basically they just pick random & don't have to explain.
I just stated, what if I don't want to sign today. She wished away sheet about my raise & said ok they have be in by April 17th left room went Hr office shut door. Wtf. Then the HR was to busy answer my questions so I have no idea what's going on

Not sure about the no signing part. I can tell you last year and the year before I saw my raise on my paycheck before I got my review because my TL forgot to give me my review, so I got it about 2 weeks late.
@Patty , sorry to hear your pain. This year was my worst review ever. Funny thing is, I didn't get mine until I put in my notice. I actually laughed at my ETL and said, "this review is a joke." In all my years, I had never heard such harsh and false feedback.
I can tell you-it feels good to leave. It is hard and seems scary at first. But, I am glad I left. Be strong Patty. If they see you cry, they will continue to hit you where it hurts. Walk out of that place with your head held high-Target doesn't deserve you.
I've been capped out for like 5-6 yrs so reviews and or raises don't really matter to me, plus my wife is the bread winner in my house. I couldn't imagine actually LIVING on this wage
Thank you. By far the very best thing about Target was getting to be a psrt if TBR anf getting to know all of you. This is where I got all my training, all my support, invaluable advice and met the most unique and fascinating group of friends. How many times I laugh out loud and wish we could all get together, hang out and play music.
Thank you. By far the very best thing about Target was getting to be a psrt if TBR anf getting to know all of you. This is where I got all my training, all my support, invaluable advice and met the most unique and fascinating group of friends. How many times I laugh out loud and wish we could all get together, hang out and play music.
We enjoy your stuff. You got me hooked on @redeye58 80s thread with commie.
*rant time*

Well, I got my review yesterday and while I shouldn't be surprised, I am a bit disappointed. Despite trying my best, I got IE on everything except two areas. If it weren't for the jump to $9.00 an hour, I would still be under $8.00.

The reasons for my getting an IE were complete crap for the most part.


1.) I don't "vibe" enough. More specifically, I don't bombard people with RedCards every chance I get.

2.) I'm too slow in my work. Which, for anyone who has to work CAF pulls on a very restricted time slot knows how difficult they can be; and how very little management gets it.

3.) After 3 years, I still have to call on the walkie to find items (which if the store would stop moving things around, that would be nice.).

4.) This final one pissed me off. They said that I don't know enough about other departments to help when needed.

Which, if they actually didn't have their heads up their asses, they would know I ask to be cross-trained ALL. THE. TIME. Not only that, but when a new position in the store opens up, I'm one of the first to express interest in working in said position. I even applied to about 3 of them. 1 went to internal candidates (fair enough) , while one went to an external candidate who stayed for a grand total of 2 months, and they just got rid of another position altogether.

Sometimes I think complete idiots run Spot.
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Got an IE for a 23 cent raise. Actually totally okay with that, because I only work there one day a week, since I have a different job. And, since I have a different job, there's the hope (albeit a small one) that someone else could have gotten a higher raise as a result
Got an E and a 77 cent raise (base paygrade bump + review raise). Not exactly thrilled but it's still more than I was expecting.

My TL actually took the time to call me into an office and we spent about 10 minutes going over everything. While the pay is still not great, it is good to know where I stand with my TL and what good and bad he has noticed this year.
In everyone's store what rating review does most of your team members get, (or from what team members may have shared with you?

Is it


Or EX?

Does most team members get an over all EX? or is it hard to get an EX or O?
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