Archived Review Grades this year...

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Hey! some of that shit got in my eye!!!

Noope. It's all real.

I'm sorry to those that have such shitty TLs and above 🙁 I wish yall worked at my store.
Thanks. Sorry, just tired from a long day at work. 11 hours. I think this year is going to be a year of change for old target. Some good some bad
Thanks. Sorry, just tired from a long day at work. 11 hours. I think this year is going to be a year of change for old target. Some good some bad
There was an increase to the base pay for your paygrade. 4.8% for your raise to base pay and then another 4% for your actual raise.
Noope. It's all real.

PIC was here

I'm sorry to those that have such shitty TLs and above 🙁 I wish yall worked at my store.

Your store must have done really well in terms of the store making money last year. I also got an EX but my raise percentage was %4, which is a .45 cent raise in my case. That is the only explanation for that. If a store does well with sales, I heard that have bigger raise percentages for reviews.

I would take a picture of mine but the papers fell out of my pocket as I was leaving the store yesterday. Now anyone can see my raise and pay rate. OH NOES!!!!!!!
Yeah, we did fairly well. Congrats on your raise! Most of my co-workers in the front end reviewed well. With math though my actual raise is 8.8% not including the bump in pay. Even the eight target vets I spoke to said .79 cents isn't a raise they give to everyone and EX can be a hard letter grade to get. It all varies based on your store of course as you said but out of all my coworkers I spoke to beforehand got a similar raise to mine, maybe 50 cents or so tho. Our store is killer though! Our STL before this month was pretty awesome but the new one is a guy that hides around and never talks to us really. 😳
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I've been off awhile why did we get a bump plus annual raise? I went sign mine when i got relax & talk herher
Sorry auto corrected HR. NOBODY in my store new anything about the bump in pay grades. I'm an N07 so so I got raise + .50 cents.
I feel like we are the only store who has not given out reviews yet. I have been waiting and waiting and so far nothing. I mean I work hardlines so I'm hoping it's not completely horrendous but I'm on edge because I just don't even know. I help guests, ask if they are finding everything ok, and do pulls and zone like my life depends on it. I just need to be put out of my misery!
Lol almost every workcenter at my store has gotten their review except mine. Tl says she "hasnt received them back" yet. uhh okay. Ill just look online and see what my new pay rate is, no point in even trying to give me a review at this point
I know there are two brown nosers ( who got the O's) but they always bend over backwards etc etc etc for the ETLS. I've decided I don't care anymore that I got the IE it was bothering me but you know what who cares? You win some you lose some....... I just have to except it. Got a raise and I have my job so I am happy.
I feel like we are the only store who has not given out reviews yet. I have been waiting and waiting and so far nothing. I mean I work hardlines so I'm hoping it's not completely horrendous but I'm on edge because I just don't even know. I help guests, ask if they are finding everything ok, and do pulls and zone like my life depends on it. I just need to be put out of my misery!

still havent got mine. Don't work again until thursday.
I think my TL and ETL give me either an O or an EX every year because they know that I will just question the hell out of every single negative grade they give me and demand proof of why they gave me an IE for such and such. I've done it in the past, I have no prob doing it again
Demanding proof won't change anything. It's really not up for discussion. What's the worst the will happen? You leave?
I feel like we are the only store who has not given out reviews yet. I have been waiting and waiting and so far nothing. I mean I work hardlines so I'm hoping it's not completely horrendous but I'm on edge because I just don't even know. I help guests, ask if they are finding everything ok, and do pulls and zone like my life depends on it. I just need to be put out of my misery!

My store hasn't given them out yet either. Is there a deadline? I heard someone mention May 1st, but I'm not sure.
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