MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

How are you guys attaching Halloween toppers to seasonal focals? I don't remember seeing holes on them. Are they expecting us to make our own hole?

I think they do have holes for those stores who don't have the endcap headers where you can slide them in. We used the holes to secure to the gondola and then placed the focal backer paper over it, taping the top part to the topper to cover the part you shouldn't see.

*If it doesn't have a hole, I assume our Plano TM made them.
I think they do have holes for those stores who don't have the endcap headers where you can slide them in. We used the holes to secure to the gondola and then placed the focal backer paper over it, taping the top part to the topper to cover the part you shouldn't see.

*If it doesn't have a hole, I assume our Plano TM made them.
I ended up using the holes on the bottom for stores with the old endcap headers, and then stabbed a hole though the top hole of the end pegboard through the endcap header so that I could put the focal ism in and now have it fall down
Ok who's bright idea was it to make FOS Lewis directional right side only and why just one?

It just points to our fitting room or OPU lol.

The only place that would make sense is to put it in market since our seasonal area is in the left back corner of the store.

And only providing one Lewis just point to either just Market or fitting room. Make it make sense 😩
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Ok who's bright idea was it to make FOS Lewis directional right side only and why just one?

It just points to our fitting room or OPU lol.

The only place that would make sense is to put it in market since our seasonal area is in the left back corner of the store.

And only providing one Lewis just point to either just Market or fitting room. Make it make sense 😩

I guess I didn't think of it as directing you specifically to the Seasonal corner but more of inviting you into the store since it is at the front. The ISM concept across the store for Halloween is a community or neighborhood so Lewis is inviting the guest to join, explore, and see what they find throughout the store.
Ok, who at HQ missed the Christmas debacle of a few years ago where (after the fact) we decided putting Wenger tables flat on the floor with no legs was A BAD IDEA!?? Seriously, ffs.

They could have easily designed ISM--like a floor cling--that could stick directly to the floor creating the appearance of a stage without the tripping hazard.

Do better, HQ.
It’s covered with shippers and surrounded by T walls. If set appropriately there’s no way possible to trip. You’re more likely to trip over the Twalls when they’re set with pegs than the table.
I guess I didn't think of it as directing you specifically to the Seasonal corner but more of inviting you into the store since it is at the front. The ISM concept across the store for Halloween is a community or neighborhood so Lewis is inviting the guest to join, explore, and see what they find throughout the store.

Yeah I get that, but they should make it double sided so it's at least pointing to the general direction of Halloween, but it's only point to OPU/Guest service which is the opposite of seasonal.
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It’s covered with shippers and surrounded by T walls. If set appropriately there’s no way possible to trip. You’re more likely to trip over the Twalls when they’re set with pegs than the table.

This is most definitely still a tripping hazard. The table is not the same size as the t-frames.
This is most definitely still a tripping hazard. The table is not the same size as the t-frames.
View attachment 16041
If they’re lined up to the back and the shippers are on the front like they’re supposed to be I don’t see anyway someone would trip over this anymore than a table in softlines or an endcap base deck. I agree previous iterations weren’t exactly the best but this year I don’t really see anyway issues with it if you take the proper precautions. All this stuff is approved by so many teams at HQ I can’t imagine it’s an issue. They also thought the stand alone 84 inch tall gondolas were unsafe years ago but they bring those back every year. I think there’s a certain degree of common sense that is implied when it comes to the legality of safety.
If they’re lined up to the back and the shippers are on the front like they’re supposed to be I don’t see anyway someone would trip over this anymore than a table in softlines or an endcap base deck. I agree previous iterations weren’t exactly the best but this year I don’t really see anyway issues with it if you take the proper precautions. All this stuff is approved by so many teams at HQ I can’t imagine it’s an issue. They also thought the stand alone 84 inch tall gondolas were unsafe years ago but they bring those back every year. I think there’s a certain degree of common sense that is implied when it comes to the legality of safety.

I think they underestimate how easily guests will find ways to trip.

But thank you for the tip on having the t-frames line up with back! I will fix that when I get in tomorrow. 😊