We're considered "unskilled". I've done both (doubled as a receptionist during my stint with a mural painting nonprofit, did telefunding with data entry/receptoinist type duties and now a cashier at target) and while they all netted me minimum wage (or slightly above minimum, started at Target at $8/hour compared to the state minimum of $7.90) Target has definitely required more skill.
It's the capitalists that employed you that decided that, and they're the ones spinning the story to make it seem like retail workers/food service workers/etc are lazy and greedy and spoiled for wanting slightly better pay (which in itself is only a bandaid on the entire situation).
TL;DR it's not newbies fault Target never gave you a raise, it's not retail workers fault you don't get paid enough, and it's not receptionists/nurses/teachers/etc's fault that Target (and other corporations) don't give a fuck about their employees and will give us literal crumbs until they decide to be nice and throw us a piece of toast when we all know damn well that's not enough for dinner.
Unfortunately, Target's priority is to line the pockets of it's top executives and stockholders, and then toss a few crumbs to those who do the work.