MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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We're considered "unskilled". I've done both (doubled as a receptionist during my stint with a mural painting nonprofit, did telefunding with data entry/receptoinist type duties and now a cashier at target) and while they all netted me minimum wage (or slightly above minimum, started at Target at $8/hour compared to the state minimum of $7.90) Target has definitely required more skill.

It's the capitalists that employed you that decided that, and they're the ones spinning the story to make it seem like retail workers/food service workers/etc are lazy and greedy and spoiled for wanting slightly better pay (which in itself is only a bandaid on the entire situation).

TL;DR it's not newbies fault Target never gave you a raise, it's not retail workers fault you don't get paid enough, and it's not receptionists/nurses/teachers/etc's fault that Target (and other corporations) don't give a fuck about their employees and will give us literal crumbs until they decide to be nice and throw us a piece of toast when we all know damn well that's not enough for dinner.

Unfortunately, Target's priority is to line the pockets of it's top executives and stockholders, and then toss a few crumbs to those who do the work.
Anybody in an area where minimum wage is already above the $9 mark? Has your store acknowledged a raise system in regards to this? As is, we have not yet had this addressed in any leadership meetings, nor have there even been emails to ETLs regarding this. From the annual review increases I know of there doesn't seem to be an increase either.

For a while I was waiting to hear what would happen in our store with our team, but I'm beginning to think it is simply going to overlook us entirely.

I am over the 9.00 mark. I was told that the ceiling was raised to allow for those of us capped out to receive an increase. I got 2% of an increase. Not much, but better than last year's 0.00. :/
Anytime your Fox news watching family member wants to complain about the lazy people living off the taxpayers you can mention this article.

The debate over public benefits almost always treats "welfare" and "work" as counterparts to each other. There are people who get public benefits — and people who work for their paychecks.

But it turns out a lot of those people overlap: a majority of public benefits go to working families, a new analysis from two Berkeley economists finds. Their work shows that $152 billion in public programs like Medicaid and welfare — 56 percent of overall spending — goes toward supporting low-wage workers.

There's a lot more plus some really depressing graphs.
The extra few bucks Spot and Walmart are tossing out really aren't going to change this if they don't give people regular hours.
Anytime your Fox news watching family member wants to complain about the lazy people living off the taxpayers you can mention this article.

There's a lot more plus some really depressing graphs.
The extra few bucks Spot and Walmart are tossing out really aren't going to change this if they don't give people regular hours.
i read about that a lot, people upset about their taxes paying for food stamps, medicaid, etc, outside the people who abuse it, consider that a luxury tax to be able to pick up your lattes, get groceries, fast food, electronic etc and blame the employers and government not the employees.
i read about that a lot, people upset about their taxes paying for food stamps, medicaid, etc, outside the people who abuse it, consider that a luxury tax to be able to pick up your lattes, get groceries, fast food, electronic etc and blame the employers and government not the employees.

And the abuse factor is really low.
There's between a 2 to 3% fraud rate.
Now this isn't saying that some of the people don't make poor choices sometimes, of course they do, but it's not like any of us are perfect.
To villainies a working mother because she bought Hot Pockets for her kids dinner one night is a farce.
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Just remember the trade-off for those super cheap items you get at Wally World is subsidizing the majority of their sales associates. Their HR (like Target's) is well-versed in the area's social services & will refer employees to said services that YOUR taxes pay for so taxpayers are subsidizing the working poor because Wally, Spot, et al won't pay a living wage.
Before anyone takes up the "unskilled labor" argument again, I stated in another thread about worth vs value.
A babysitter doesn't need much in the way of skills watching kids.
Granted some will plop the kids in front of a TV & give 'em pizza for dinner while some will actually engage the kids & make sure they eat a healthy meal & go to bed on time.
Does babysitting require a degree?
Nope, but try finding one last minute for New Year's Eve & you'll see the difference in worth vs value.
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I am over the 9.00 mark. I was told that the ceiling was raised to allow for those of us capped out to receive an increase. I got 2% of an increase. Not much, but better than last year's 0.00. :/

So is your entire store above $9.00?
That's what i'm asking about. Minimum wage here is above $9.00 an hour and as far as I can tell, nobody in my store saw any sort of increase. As I said, it hasn't even been addressed to leadership.
So is your entire store above $9.00?
That's what i'm asking about. Minimum wage here is above $9.00 an hour and as far as I can tell, nobody in my store saw any sort of increase. As I said, it hasn't even been addressed to leadership.

Well then, no soup for you.

The raise was never intended to lift all boats, it was intended to make Spot look a little bit better in the news.
Well then, no soup for you.

The raise was never intended to lift all boats, it was intended to make Spot look a little bit better in the news.

I'm in a position where I wouldn't receive a raise. I knew that as soon as this news came out, and honestly it never really occurred much to me. With my experience in retail in other companies I've seen this many many times. What surprises me is that in this news that made news across the country, I feel slighted on behalf of those in pay grade N03 (or even higher) who are close to minimum wage, regardless of their tenure, who are not seeing any sort of raise in light of these stories making headlines.
I was capped last year and got nothing. I was SO pissed as my review was given to me and I was given the answer of "I don't know" by the poor gstl who had to give me the bad news. Did they think I'd just shrug my shoulders and say Oh, that's ok! 🙁
This year I was just told that Target (oh so graciously) raised the cap so us ole timers could get a bit of the action. lol
Don't get me wrong...I'm grateful for the raise but it's a crying shame that it took Walmart to nudge Target in the direction of doing-the-right-thing!
Thanks Wally World!
I was capped last year and got no raise, this week I got a 3% raise, not great but better than nothing!
Well, I got my dollar plus a 21 cent raise.

We haven't had any reviews up at the Front Lanes area. With the way things are going at my store, we'll probably see a small "change" in our paychecks.
Do new wages start the second week of May?
We haven't had any reviews up at the Front Lanes area. With the way things are going at my store, we'll probably see a small "change" in our paychecks.
Do new wages start the second week of May?
You'll see it on your check may 15th. It becomes effective April 27th.
I'm still waiting please give me my review. I only work 3 more days this week. I'm sooooo under paid as a PA perishable assistant for 2 years now. I believe some newbies are making the same as me. WTF.
Not sure what I'm supposed to do because I still have 30 to deliver and no one will give me time off the floor to deliver them. I feel awful, but there's been a bit of turmoil at my store: a GSA, a SD TM and the other GSTL were encouraged to seek other opportunities three weeks ago. I'm in the midst of training two people (a GSTL from another store and our two new GSAs ) and my Execs are "too busy" to cover me while I do reviews. My HR shrugged his shoulders, "We're all busy."

I haven't gotten my review yet either and it was due weeks ago. HR said, "You got a raise." Perhaps I should try that approach with my team Hand them the merit increase sheet when they head out to break?
You'll see it on your check may 15th. It becomes effective April 27th.

we havent had any reviews and they've never even officially mentioned the raise yet. No best team survey or chat sessions either. It's pretty funny how they're avoiding talking to us at all really.
Best Team Survey starts May 4, I think, so they want the reviews done before that. We all know that the team will forget about the piss poor raises they got last week, right?

Honestly, to get them all delivered you just might have to get them to sign and ask to speak to you if there's any questions... my ETL did that for me one year.
so gave out my reviews to the team had 12 to give since the other 8 team members are new. Lots of E's and IE's but overall everyone loved the raise for now...
I got my 20 cent raise today😕 I got a IE which really ticked me off. I would of liked a E I got one last year but what can you do....... I got a raise so I can't complain.
I haven't kept up with this thread for a while.

So if I got a N03 paygrade and I'm making $9.62 now, I'm probably not going to see an additional raise? Also, my entire store makes above $9.25 so will their only raises be from reviews?
I'm still waiting please give me my review. I only work 3 more days this week. I'm sooooo under paid as a PA perishable assistant for 2 years now. I believe some newbies are making the same as me. WTF.
I did the job of pa for years without the cushy premium pay. The asshat we begged to take the role probably makes a quarter less than me. And does a cull and pushes stock from the order. If I'm lucky.

Your life could be worse.
I was told reviews had to be completed before 2015, or something like that.

A long time ago...
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