Did i say right away? No. People cant stay at target forever. People leave, die, retire, have accidents and cant work, etc. But you are always having to be ready and prepared to invest in the next person. Otherwise target would rely too much old the older people. What happens if target flipped it gave all of the veterans raises, and such, and left all of the new people out of the money. Well those people already make less, have a much higher chance of quitting, and will, and it was already tough enough getting seasonal help. You just lost a huge workforce, bow making your job more difficult, you complain more and eventually quit. Now instead the newer people, who get paid less get a larger jump, the old people get pissed, still less likely to leave due to their time their, and them feeling more invested, you actually have less work load due to the workers actually having to work a bit more overall to earn their pay, morale in the store overall goes up, guest themselves are treated better because more employees are now making more money.