MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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My TL was still writing reviews this week.
One of my TLs was complaining 3 weeks ago that he still had to write all of his reviews and everytime he had a few hours, he would get pulled away from it.
There comes a point where target has too look towards the future (newer smployees) than to spend extra on people that make their cap. Those people have been with target for years yes, they deserve more, but for a company to survive sometimes it needs to shed the old skin, and grow new Skin. The whole love america or leave is derivred from those who complain about every little thing like being pulled over for speeding, hating on the cop who wrote his ticket, and did his job, but complaims about a 911 call that took a cop 5 extra minutes because he was doing his job writing another speeder a ticket. I always say, if you complain about work ao much, leave it is a toxin for everyone
. There is always somewhere better to work if you search hard enough.
I am sorry but I couldn't disagree with you more. You are pretty much saying that Spot should get rid of the team members who have worked there for years and replace them with new team members ( to pay them less). Spot isn't what it used to be and its not because of long time team members making too much. According to your philosophy then I guess after a team member hits a certain year mark they should be put out to pasture. .. I am a long term team member and I know that I work circles around most of the new people at my the "old skin" is doing just fine .
Got my review today.....inconsistently effective.....2% raise...just about covers a "cost of living" increase.
Nothing said (and I had asked) about a starting pay rate of $9.00....although next year, we're to "expect" that the base pay for all TMs will start at $10.00.

Well, I'm going to continue to apply for new jobs....something with higher pay and more hours will come along.
I was quite surprised that the review form for the front end has only 10 questions. Are all the other review forms this short?
I was quite surprised that the review form for the front end has only 10 questions. Are all the other review forms this short?
Mine too. Pretty sure it's the same questions for everybody.
Got my review today.....
Nothing said (and I had asked) about a starting pay rate of $9.00....although next year, we're to "expect" that the base pay for all TMs will start at $10.00..

I asked my STL about the $9 wage increase. She said she hadn't heard anything about a wage increase until March, AFTER Walmart had announced their new wage structure. When I asked about moving to $10/hr next year like WM she said Target would reevaluate at that time to make sure that they're competitive. I'd like to know now so I can apply elsewhere if need be. I'm just a part time cashier and I can do that anywhere. Just want to know which company will net me the biggest paycheck!
I was quite surprised that the review form for the front end has only 10 questions. Are all the other review forms this short?
All Team Member review forms are the same. They changed to this format last year. Prior to that, there was a comment section under each Heading (Be Your Best Self, etc) instead of one big comment section at the end. While writing ours, we were instructed to write comments tailored to the headings so our comments were approximately 3/4 page long.
Okay let's lighten the mood & laugh at me. Nobody at my store heard or was told about the raise to $9. (All reviews done) new TM start $8.25. Here's funny part. I'm an N07 so when I got my raise + .50 I thought it's b/c I was doing branding too! Oh well still happy about $$$$
All Team Member review forms are the same. They changed to this format last year. Prior to that, there was a comment section under each Heading (Be Your Best Self, etc) instead of one big comment section at the end. While writing ours, we were instructed to write comments tailored to the headings so our comments were approximately 3/4 page long.

My tl didn't even go through the form. They wrote us like 3 paragraphs and had us read it. The first paragraph was about how I'm doing. I forget the middle stuff. The last graph was about what the store is focusing on (front end and fitting room for my store and softlines).
I am sorry but I couldn't disagree with you more. You are pretty much saying that Spot should get rid of the team members who have worked there for years and replace them with new team members ( to pay them less). Spot isn't what it used to be and its not because of long time team members making too much. According to your philosophy then I guess after a team member hits a certain year mark they should be put out to pasture. .. I am a long term team member and I know that I work circles around most of the new people at my the "old skin" is doing just fine .
Where did I say they should get rid of them? You are putting word into my mouth. I just said they are focusing on newer employees who are the future. Yes it may sucks but there is reason there are caps for Wages. If youd really like it when hours get cut they can cut more hours from people who make.more, and less from those who make less, would save more money. But they arent. If you have stayed long enough to be capped you should be happy they havent cut your hours down to below bare in order to save more money.
Welp, I'm extremely satisfied! Finally got my review last Friday -- GSA, hired November 2014. Raise from $9 to $10.15 ($1.15 raise) with an E rating.

Wasn't sure what to expect; am very pleasantly surprised!
Where did I say they should get rid of them? You are putting word into my mouth. I just said they are focusing on newer employees who are the future. Yes it may sucks but there is reason there are caps for Wages. If youd really like it when hours get cut they can cut more hours from people who make.more, and less from those who make less, would save more money. But they arent. If you have stayed long enough to be capped you should be happy they havent cut your hours down to below bare in order to save more money.
Well, you are correct you didn't say...they should get rid of old timers( IF you had read what I SAID I said that you are pretty much saying Spot should get rid of old timers I used the phrase pretty much ...meaning eluding to...I never said You said so and so ) just eluded to it by saying the old skin should be shed I didn't put words in your mouth I simply read what YOU wrote and drew pretty much the only conclusion there was to draw...if that's not what you meant then maybe you should go back and re ead what you posted and re word it . You also say that I should be thankful ( because I have been with the company for a while and make more per hour than the average team member...but I earned every penny of what I make so I feel no guilt) that Spot hasn't cut my ( or others like me) hours way back in order to save even more money.. So because I have stuck with the company all these years I should walk around on egg shells and be thankful they don't single me out to cut my hours? Wow, that's all I can say about that ..
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Where did I say they should get rid of them? You are putting word into my mouth. I just said they are focusing on newer employees who are the future. Yes it may sucks but there is reason there are caps for Wages. If youd really like it when hours get cut they can cut more hours from people who make.more, and less from those who make less, would save more money. But they arent. If you have stayed long enough to be capped you should be happy they havent cut your hours down to below bare in order to save more money.

you said "it needs to shed the old skin, and grow new Skin"

That sounds a lot like getting rid of them
you said "it needs to shed the old skin, and grow new Skin"

That sounds a lot like getting rid of them
Did i say right away? No. People cant stay at target forever. People leave, die, retire, have accidents and cant work, etc. But you are always having to be ready and prepared to invest in the next person. Otherwise target would rely too much old the older people. What happens if target flipped it gave all of the veterans raises, and such, and left all of the new people out of the money. Well those people already make less, have a much higher chance of quitting, and will, and it was already tough enough getting seasonal help. You just lost a huge workforce, bow making your job more difficult, you complain more and eventually quit. Now instead the newer people, who get paid less get a larger jump, the old people get pissed, still less likely to leave due to their time their, and them feeling more invested, you actually have less work load due to the workers actually having to work a bit more overall to earn their pay, morale in the store overall goes up, guest themselves are treated better because more employees are now making more money.
Did i say right away? No. People cant stay at target forever. People leave, die, retire, have accidents and cant work, etc. But you are always having to be ready and prepared to invest in the next person. Otherwise target would rely too much old the older people. What happens if target flipped it gave all of the veterans raises, and such, and left all of the new people out of the money. Well those people already make less, have a much higher chance of quitting, and will, and it was already tough enough getting seasonal help. You just lost a huge workforce, bow making your job more difficult, you complain more and eventually quit. Now instead the newer people, who get paid less get a larger jump, the old people get pissed, still less likely to leave due to their time their, and them feeling more invested, you actually have less work load due to the workers actually having to work a bit more overall to earn their pay, morale in the store overall goes up, guest themselves are treated better because more employees are now making more money.

Am I misinterpreting the above statement. We are talking about Target. My previous job which I retired from paid over $17.00 per hr. If the tenured people leave for whatever reason, the newer people will still not get a larger jump, you still have the same work load. I work just as hard now for less money. It's called having a good work ethic. You seem to be someone that will treat guests better and do a better job overall because you make more money. I think that won't happen, but good luck
This will be my last comment related to the whole new vs old skin comment. Not because I don't have anything else to say ....but because there comes a time that arguing with someone via the internet is like banging your head against a brick wall. When you are done all you have is a headache and nothing else to show for it . @Jeremy if Spot did what you think they should...and forced out people after they had been with the company at a certain point...what does that say about them? You think the Red card mishap was a PR nightmare could you imagine the PR backlash from that ? I am not saying that all long term team members are model employees there are some who should leave the company not because they have been there so long but because they are lazy or dont do their jobs correctly. However, just because someone is a new skin doesn't make them a better team just means they are younger and that's it You come off as you are against anyone who has spent a long time working for Spot....I talk to new team members all the time. Have you ever talked to a long term team member? Maybe, you could learn something from them and about their time with Spot if you did . You almost make it sound like we are milking the company dry ....keeping other people from working and costing the company tons of money. INSTEAD of worrying about long term team members and you thinking they are pulling the company down maybe you should look at Spots new crop of twenty something leaders they make hell of a lot more than I do and don't know what they hell they are doing ( for the most part ) but I guess that's ok cause they are "new skins"
All Team Member review forms are the same. They changed to this format last year. Prior to that, there was a comment section under each Heading (Be Your Best Self, etc) instead of one big comment section at the end. While writing ours, we were instructed to write comments tailored to the headings so our comments were approximately 3/4 page long.

All of our sections have comments under the ratings in addition to a comment section at the very end.. This hasn't changed. Is there a reason your store is doing this differently?
That sounds like a 22 cent raise. Must have been an E...
That's not how it works. We don't know what their pay grade is. Probably a .38 raise which could be EX.
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