I agree - no break schedules. Let the tm’s be responsible and required to take their own break.
1. making A break schedule is a waste of time - it’s rarely followed anyway and turns you into a traffic cop
2. i thought with modernization there didn’t NEED to be anyone “watching” the front as ALL cashiers were to be self-reliant, empowered
3. We are mostly adults - not children with curfews - as adults they shouldn’t be ‘told’ when to go to break!
I would snap at anyone telling me “you can go now” or “no, you must wait”. !!
my solution:
For Consistency : Every tm must go to break 2 hours after their start time for work, NOT just ANY time they like !
( of course the schedule will need to be staggered - not ALL cashiers starting at the same time for this to work)
Ex: in at 8;00 - break at 10;00, in at 10:00 - break at 12:00, in at 2:00 - break at 4:00.
—-if 2 cashiers start at 8:00 - they should work out between them who prefers 10:00 and which goes at 10:15
very little training should be required for everyone to understand they break every 2 hours,
no break will be too early OR too late because they are ALL every 2 hours.
For 5 hour shift - you could make the exception 2 hr. 15 min. So that first half of the shift is 2.25 hrs. Long /15 min break/ 2.5 hrs til shift ends - more in the middle
as for meals: if 6+ hour shift - your lunch is 2 hours after you return from break
the Added benefit - no compliance violations cause ALL meals are 4 to 4.5 hours after start time.