Archived Guest Hogging You Off The Clock

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As soon as I clock out for lunch and take my name tag off my smile drops and I get crazy bitch face. When I’m buying my lunch I do glares, eye rolls, etc. I know it’s obnoxious but it’s therapuetic actually. Because I have to hold all that in all day, it feels soooooo good to do it to people during my lunch. Walking slowly in the middle of the aisle? I’ll cut around you with a scoff and an eye roll and my mood actually just improved. Someone asks me where something is? “No clue.” *walk away*. It’s my favorite part of the day
Have had this happen several times. I usually direct them to Guest Services or another TM, which works most times. There's always that one person though.... Last time I was on lunch and informed them that there was no conceivable way I could help them. When they started getting all pissed off, I informed them that store policy and state law requires me to stay off the clock for my lunch. I saw this person working at an auto dealership a few weeks later while searching for a new car for my mom. In front of that former "guest", I directed my kind mother to another sales person because "this guy is a complete asshole". What goes around, comes around.
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