Archived Guest Hogging You Off The Clock

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I know that pretending to talk on the phone won't work either because this one lady was aggressively trying to interrupt me when I was talking on the electronics phone once. Who knows? She may have been worse if I was off the clock
Most of the people that come up to me are when I'm walking into work or walking to Food Ave to get a pop or a pretzel. I've helped a good majority if it didn't involve locating an item for them or showing them a part of the store etc etc but the ones I've told to find another employee got super salty over it. I have no idea why, I'm a nice guy in real life and I say "I'm sorry, but I'm actually not working right now but you can go ask someone if you'd like!" and one time a guy went "What a crock of shit.. I'll just go to the Target in [town next to my town]" and there was a TM zoning right next to him.

The amount of BS I have to juggle between Self Checkouts and Guests off the clock rings at a high 8/10 lol. The checklane guests are usually super nice and civil.
I'm sure you've seen the "I need to see the manager haircut" meme... she had that same hairstyle. The LOD and I were joking about it the next day.

This one?

i was on lunch once in a rush to go buy something and i took off my red sweater specifically so I wouldn't be stopped and i had a black shirt on underneath and someone stopped me. she asked if i worked there and i said yeah but i'm off the clock and she said "well can i ask anyway?" already rude and i said sure but i honestly probably won't know thw answer so she asked if we had a specific type of sheet set and i told her there's no way for me to look it up either since i'm a cashier and don't have a my device or walkie and she could ask someone else around there. and she got all rude and said you should know you work here, i said sorry and walked away. and she was like "whatever go, don't help me you're on break" sarcastically, and i kept walking and said "it's actually my lunch break and i'm literally not even clocked in". maybe i was rude but she was rude first and all i wanted to do was hurry and buy a snack and cd. that was the one time someone was so rude to me when i told them i'm off the clock, all the other times people have been nice and understanding.
i was on lunch once in a rush to go buy something and i took off my red sweater specifically so I wouldn't be stopped and i had a black shirt on underneath and someone stopped me. she asked if i worked there and i said yeah but i'm off the clock and she said "well can i ask anyway?" already rude and i said sure but i honestly probably won't know thw answer so she asked if we had a specific type of sheet set and i told her there's no way for me to look it up either since i'm a cashier and don't have a my device or walkie and she could ask someone else around there. and she got all rude and said you should know you work here, i said sorry and walked away. and she was like "whatever go, don't help me you're on break" sarcastically, and i kept walking and said "it's actually my lunch break and i'm literally not even clocked in". maybe i was rude but she was rude first and all i wanted to do was hurry and buy a snack and cd. that was the one time someone was so rude to me when i told them i'm off the clock, all the other times people have been nice and understanding.

You didnt even need to go that far to explain yourself.
I had just clocked out and went to get another coffee mug as the one I bought the day before had a chip in to. I grabbed the mug and was heading to the SD when a guest stopped me and asked for help. I looked around for a TM and apologized because I would get in trouble for helping off the clock. She looked at me like I was just scraped off her shoe and walked away. Not five minutes later I was in line at the SD when the same guest and the LOD marched up to me, "That's him right there. He refused to help me."

The LOD knew I had just got off work because we were joking in the TSC so she just went on to explain that I was off the clock and wasn't available to help any guest.

Sheesh, I had a jacket on and my earbuds in, but some people just won't take a hint.
Considering bringing headphones for after work now since I tend to shop my store on days I work.
Guest: Do you work here?

Me: I'm not clocked in yet but if you just need to know where to find something that's ok. If it's more than that, if I see an employee I'll let them know you need help.

Then if I see another team member near by, I'll point them out to the person & say they will be able to help them.

That takes about 5 seconds of my time & the guests always thank me and usually apologize for bothering me.
Guest: Do you work here?
Me: I'm not clocked in yet but if you just need to know where to find something that's ok. If it's more than that, if I see an employee I'll let them know you need help.
The response I get: "Geez! Never mind! Can't even help anybody or do your JOB because you're 'off the clock' (air quotes). Wouldn't wanna disTURB you...."
*stomps off angrily
Normally if I'm just about to check in, I'll help them to the max of my ability by telling them the aisle or pointing out someone thats nearby. But if I'm on break, lunch, or leaving, the chances are I'll just tell them I'm not able to help them. If the guest is rude beforehand by trying to boss me into helping them around, I'll reverse the roles and act snarky. I've done it with our STL and ETL in the next aisle over and they seemed oddly alright with it. Still haven't been called to their offices, so I'm in the clear for now.
I was walking by chemicals yesterday with a microwave dinner in my hand and my headphones on heading back to checklanes from grocery. This lady stops and asks if we have this "certain spray that gets out wrinkles"....I turned around took off my headphones and replied "Sorry what was that, I'm on my lunch break and I didn't hear you"....she repeats the question completely glossing over the fact that I said I'm on my break. I reply "I have no idea, I'm not too familiar with this area, there's a team member who probably knows more down in cosmetics right now, if you want to ask someone with knowledge of the area." she responds "Oh...okay" and walks away. No sorry, no thanks...and she didn't even attempt to go get the team member working that section who is easy to spot seeing as they have a 3 tier sitting in the front of the aisle they're in...sheesh people.
"I'm off the clock here and late for my second job, guest services can answer your question."
I have helped people tho, man w sick kiddo, guy with little English.
Same, i've helped out a disabled guy just pointing out where the milk is. If it's people in pain, or disabled but i know will not talk my whole day i gladly will help them out. Rude disrespectful people who ignore the fact your on break/lunch is annoying.
Man. Y'all have some nasty shoppers. Guests are always super polite to me when I tell them I'm off the clock. A few seconds of polite explaining on my end, point them in the right direction. Boom. Done. Unless they're attractive, then I'll be overly courteous.
Now i had a lady who asked for a certain tea, i wasn't sure what aisle it was because i was still slowly waking up but i was telling her "I'm not on right now" and she was like that doesn't matter you can just tell me where it was...ok ill just ask her, luckily another tm was nearby
Now i had a lady who asked for a certain tea, i wasn't sure what aisle it was because i was still slowly waking up but i was telling her "I'm not on right now" and she was like that doesn't matter you can just tell me where it was...ok ill just ask her, luckily another tm was nearby
this is when you start asking her questions about target as if she worked there...neither of you are technically onthe clock but hey that doesn't stop you from asking her. Where is electronics? Does seasonal have any deals right now? Anything good on cartwheel? Where can I find the trash bags? Because you just made me throw away 2 minutes of my meal time.
The other day I am on my lunch break-

Took off my name tag, radio, my device and I am making a phone call on my cell phone.

Lady see's me coming and comes right towards me to ask where the milk was. I tell her down to the left and walk away. She starts talking and I tell her again down to the left then completely walk away. I later see her by the milk and I think she got the hint I was off the clock. I was waiting for her to speak with a manager because I already was gearing up to defend myself.
The response I get: "Geez! Never mind! Can't even help anybody or do your JOB because you're 'off the clock' (air quotes). Wouldn't wanna disTURB you...."
*stomps off angrily

Well I always speak to guests in a respectful & friendly way so I haven't run into any grouches yet. And if I did run into a grouch, I wouldn't really care - that's his problem, not mine.

Ok, maybe I'm just abnormal or something, because if I see the guest again later, sometimes I even ask if they found what they are looking for.

But I suppose a lot has to do with the type of neighborhood you are in too.... what kind of attitude your shoppers are going to have.
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