Archived Review Grades this year...

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Demanding proof won't change anything. It's really not up for discussion. What's the worst the will happen? You leave?

Depends, if you're the kind of person who can polite them to death then they might not want the hassle.

I have a friend who was an English teacher for 20 years and is now working a second career.
His bosses have quit arguing with him about anything because my friend can talk for 50 minutes straight in carefully structured bullet points, at a constant level, with absolute conviction, keeping them from getting one word in edgewise and not caring if the the person is listening, in order to make his point.
Usually after the ten minute mark they give up.
I have gotten an O a couple of times - I do not kiss butt at all - maybe they feel sorry for me - Haven't gotten my review yet this year. I don't think it will be very good this year - etl and I don't see eye to eye very often.
Depends, if you're the kind of person who can polite them to death then they might not want the hassle.

I have a friend who was an English teacher for 20 years and is now working a second career.
His bosses have quit arguing with him about anything because my friend can talk for 50 minutes straight in carefully structured bullet points, at a constant level, with absolute conviction, keeping them from getting one word in edgewise and not caring if the the person is listening, in order to make his point.
Usually after the ten minute mark they give up.

I tried that once, it still did not change anything in the end.
While it may not change anything in the end,it will at least accomplish two things, waste time for them at least, and two, at least in my case, make me feel better knowing that I've done everything in my power, including going above the store level, to at least make my points heard by as many people as possible
That must be my brother!!! But he is art teacher, n'mot English. It is so funny to think of someone pulling this off at T. Go for it BR!! You will feel much better and they will actually have to think for a few minutes before they give up in humiliation. I can talk the horns off a goat, and i hsve found it a very effective w ay to get people to leave me alone.

I wish i could be a Greek chorus and yell Shut up and listen ! Everytime they try to say something. Bunch of pin-heads.
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Commie, i can see that whole scenario, but with you doing the refuting. They wouldnt know what hit them . Do you not work at T now? I know it says former signing ninja
Didn't know about that commie. Sorry to hear that. I have some pretty crappy leaders but I don't think none of them would stoop to that level.
Dear Commie, I an so sorry and so disgusted by T. I am sure you know tgat Dostoevsky had epilipsy and I believe he is the greatest writer who ever lived.
I hope you sue them and make it very public.

I wish we could talk . I am so sad for you. Think how many other people they might have treated the same way but who dont have the resources or knowledge to do something about it. I dont know how you feel about prayers, but I am thinking of you and hoping for a good outcome.
They gave me my review a couple of days ago. I received an O after getting an alright review last year. I'm the only one in our store that received an O (we have an ETL that's worked for Target for nearly ten years and she once said that 'no one was worth an O'). And I know it sounds dumb, but it meant a lot to me to get that because I've worked my tail off for them in the past year and I'm glad they finally recognized that. They tell me I'll be a TL before the year's out and I really hope that happens after getting my review.

As far as the raise goes, I believe ours doesn't come into full effect until mid-May, unfortunately. But, oh well, they're the bosses.
They gave me my review a couple of days ago. I received an O after getting an alright review last year. I'm the only one in our store that received an O (we have an ETL that's worked for Target for nearly ten years and she once said that 'no one was worth an O'). And I know it sounds dumb, but it meant a lot to me to get that because I've worked my tail off for them in the past year and I'm glad they finally recognized that. They tell me I'll be a TL before the year's out and I really hope that happens after getting my review.

As far as the raise goes, I believe ours doesn't come into full effect until mid-May, unfortunately. But, oh well, they're the bosses.

Well done.
Well done.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

I read about your situation with Target and I hope everything will be alright. Somehow everything will work out and I hope the ship will be corrected at some point down the line. Everything will work out, my friend.
I know it sounds dumb, but it meant a lot to me to get that because I've worked my tail off for them in the past year and I'm glad they finally recognized that. They tell me I'll be a TL before the year's out and I really hope that happens after getting my review.

You should be very proud of it. No matter what you do, you should do your best. Being recognized for it, like you did, is a great feeling. You should celebrate it as you would any other victory. I hope everything works out as you expect it to!
Soooo, do the raises differ from store to store based on sales and if the store is low/high volume? I got a 4% raise and I only got .38.
Soooo, do the raises differ from store to store based on sales and if the store is low/high volume? I got a 4% raise and I only got .38.

Yep, the raises depend a lot on how your store is doing in terms of sales, if it is green in all categories and a lot of stuff you really have no control over.
Really seems fair, right?

Side note...
If the picture in you avatar is of you or you user name is close to your name I'd suggest changing it.
See my signature for the reasons.
Noope. It's all real.

I'm sorry to those that have such shitty TLs and above 🙁 I wish yall worked at my store.

You and I are making the exact same rate: $9.79. The difference is I'm a GSA.

Please excuse me while I bang my head against the nearest desk.
They said it wasn't a very typical case. I'm one of the highest performing cashiers. I don't think any of the GSAs got what I did at my store but I'm sure they are making like a dollar more of what I make.
I got my review today and my TL was explaining all the rating possibilities and said that no one really gets an O or Ex. She then turned the page and said I'd been rated an Ex. With the minimum wage bump, I went up 12%. My TL is awesome and gave me genuine feedback for areas where I can improve and I appreciated that.
Got 4% with an E. Last three years I managed an Ex but still only got 4%, so I guess either my store is doing better than it did before or I was shafted in the past.
I got my review today and my TL was explaining all the rating possibilities and said that no one really gets an O or Ex. She then turned the page and said I'd been rated an Ex. With the minimum wage bump, I went up 12%. My TL is awesome and gave me genuine feedback for areas where I can improve and I appreciated that.

Why didn't she tell you throughout the year so that you could improve?
Why didn't she tell you throughout the year so that you could improve?

Probably because I don't see her as much anymore. I'm technically salesfloor and all my shifts were scheduled as so for the first three months, but I've been scheduled on flow, presentation, ad prep, & in stocks for a while now. I do occasionally get a salesfloor shift, but there honestly just isn't a lot of time.
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