Archived Review Grades this year...

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I'm very surprised at some of these raises. I honestly thought they'd be a lot higher. I wasn't expecting to see raises of less than 50 cents. I would have thought that, if you got an O or an EX, your raise would be at least $1. Getting an 'Effective', I can see it being below that Mark but not the top two. I received a 19.5% (almost $2) raise on my review and my wage has gone up nearly $3 since I started about 16 months ago. But still, I'm shocked at some of these raises. Definitely thought they woulda been more.
Try being capped and getting a raise lol. A few yrs back they did the raises diff and I remember being told the best I was able to get was 0.25$ and that was if I would have gotten an outstanding. The percentage based raises are better for me
The only reason you are seeing raises greater than $.75 this year is due to the base pay bump that certain TM are getting.

In a typical year an EX review will net you a 4% raise, so you would have to be making $13/hour for that 4% raise to get you $.52. Now you have to think that the majority of people in the company were only making in the $8-10 range previously and that E reviews (3% raise) are most common, you can see that a $.30 raise is common, and a $.50+ raise was rare and limited to those with longevity and high scores.

In the olden days of Target 10+ years ago they didn't give out % based raises, they gave flat amounts. Back in those days you could be making $6.50/hour and an EX raise would get you $.50-$.55, under the new system that raise would have only been $.26.
Try being capped and getting a raise lol. A few yrs back they did the raises diff and I remember being told the best I was able to get was 0.25$ and that was if I would have gotten an outstanding. The percentage based raises are better for me

If you are pay capped and get an O you will still only receive around a 2.5%-3% raise sadly.
I'm very surprised at some of these raises. I honestly thought they'd be a lot higher. I wasn't expecting to see raises of less than 50 cents. I would have thought that, if you got an O or an EX, your raise would be at least $1. Getting an 'Effective', I can see it being below that Mark but not the top two. I received a 19.5% (almost $2) raise on my review and my wage has gone up nearly $3 since I started about 16 months ago. But still, I'm shocked at some of these raises. Definitely thought they woulda been more.

That's because we are accounting for the base pay bump that's part of this years raise. Most of your 19.5% is just the bump to the base pay for your position and then your actual merit increase is added on to it. For example, I was making just under $9 and my raise put me at ~$9.80 or over 9%. FUCK YEAH...right? Except that the base pay for my position is now ~$9.50 so around $.50 of my raise is just the bump in base pay and my ACTUAL merit increase for an EX was ~$.35 which is around 4%.
Two full years with EX and one partial with E (Xmas hire) at cashier and I'm at $9.36. This year's % increase including the bump in start rate was 4.2%.
To check your wage, are you guys going to my p and b and looking at the pie chart?
It's May 4th and I still didn't get my review. I had 4 different TLs in 1 year.
I can always check my pay stub to see my raise... that's the most important right?
They told us it will be on the 5/15 check, but I want to know now. Still no review.
EX again this year. I don't deserve it, but I think my TL knows the amount of crap I've had to deal with this year.
What's the time period for the reviews? If they wanted to say I missed certain recent days, would I be able to say those are for next year?
What's the time period for the reviews? If they wanted to say I missed certain recent days, would I be able to say those are for next year?

Think of it as 4 to 6 weeks in the past.
That's really how most people are going to grade you.
Sure you could have a good boss who can take in your performance over the course of the entire year but odds are most of them are going to think about how you've been doing the past couple of months at best.
Also keep in mind that most of these score are preordained by how well your store is doing.
Yup, since they're supposed to be the one ghost-writing your review.
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